04 August 2009, 16:00:53


Cano has 611 Finds on 611 unique Geocaches

Statistics generated on 8/2/2009

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Finds by Month

  2009       2008       2007       2006       All  

Total finds411
Days caching49
Average finds per caching day8.4
Overall finds per day1.9
Average finds per week13.4
Average finds per month58.5
Days caching:1471111681    

Total finds191
Days caching69
Average finds per caching day2.8
Overall finds per day0.5
Average finds per week3.7
Average finds per month15.9
Days caching:   187101581163


MilestoneDateIntervalCodeCache Name
111/15/2006GCXTQ3Union Station Micro Coin Cache
507/4/2008597 daysGC1BXGJDavey Crocket's Cabin
1008/26/200853 daysGC19EYHWhere Did Everyone Go?
15010/12/200847 daysGC11YCMKing of Hearts
20012/20/200869 daysGC18NW1R U Hooked??
2504/12/2009113 daysGC11ERFThe OR Tract
3004/19/20097 daysGCYDB5Line Road Rails To Trail
3505/16/200927 daysGC1NC34The 5th Annual Penobscot River Clean-up
4006/6/200921 daysGC1D3NESidney's Apple
4506/13/20097 daysGC1TMABBalinda Tribute
5006/13/20090 daysGC1TME8Power for Cano
5507/5/200922 daysGC1RY3Psunset landing
6007/19/200914 daysGC14K3ZROAD EASY
6118/2/200914 daysGC1WJ7PElemental Final

Cano should reach 700 finds in 61 days (16 Caching days) on 10/2/2009

1000 finds in 265 days (67 Caching days) on 4/24/2010

Finds by km from Home

  Number Percent  
< 1014523.7 %145
10 - 206610.8 %66
20 - 30569.16 %56
30 - 40386.21 %38
40 - 50569.16 %56
50 - 10016727.3 %167
100 - 200619.98 %61
200 - 50000 %
500 - 100010.16 %1
> 1000213.43 %21

Finds by Bearing

Finds by Difficulty Rating

  Number Percent  
112019.6 %120
1.531852.0 %318
211118.1 %111
2.5325.23 %32
3172.78 %17
3.540.65 %4
450.81 %5
4.530.49 %3
510.16 %1

Finds by Terrain Rating

  Number Percent  
110016.3 %100
1.533254.3 %332
211518.8 %115
2.5315.07 %31
3243.92 %24
3.530.49 %3
420.32 %2
4.510.16 %1
530.49 %3

Difficulty / Terrain Chart

1 56 45 17 1 1120
1.5 22 246 38 9 3 318
2 11 24 47 11 15 1 1 1111
2.5 7 7 7 7 4 32
3 2 8 4 1 1 1 17
3.5 2 2 4
4 2 1 2 5
4.5 1 1 1 3
5 11

38 Diff/Terr combinations found, out of 81
56 (9.1%) finds were rated with Diff or Terr of 3 or greater

Finds by Owner

  Number Percent  
1 - Ekidokai10517.1 %105
2 - EMSDanel376.05 %37
3 - hollora335.40 %33
4 - Northwoods Explorer243.92 %24
5 - becket203.27 %20
6 - EvilHomer203.27 %20
7 - shuman road search...193.10 %19
8 - mainiac1957172.78 %17
9 - parmachenee172.78 %17
10 - Maine Family132.12 %13
  Number Percent  
11 - Starzz132.12 %13
12 - Cache Maine121.96 %12
13 - firefighterjake91.47 %9
14 - mainehockeyfan91.47 %9
15 - bamhikers60.98 %6
16 - cano60.98 %6
17 - MARTES60.98 %6
18 - woodfam60.98 %6
19 - geo_diver50.81 %5
20 - jasonw584650.81 %5

Cano has also found caches placed by 147 other people

World - 611 finds in 9 Countries

Countries cached in
 United States:566,  Canada:27,  Slovakia:7,  Bahamas:3,  Czech Republic:3,  Poland:2,  Austria:1,  Germany:1,  Hungary:1
Image from World66

Some Numbers

Overall Total Finds: 611 finds in 123 caching days over 992 total days (12.3 %)
Overall Averages: 4.97 finds per caching day, 0.62/day, 4.31/week, 18.75/month
Last 365 Days: 536 finds in 91 caching days over 365 total days (24.9 %)
Last 365 Days Averages: 5.89 finds per caching day, 1.47/day, 10.28/week, 44.70/month
Most consecutive days with finds: 10, from 8/22/2008 to 8/31/2008
Most consecutive days without a find: 174, from 11/4/2007 to 4/25/2008
Most finds in a day: 100 on 6/13/2009; 27 on 7/11/2009; 26 on 4/12/2009
Best weekend caching: 109 finds, on Saturday 6/13/2009 & Sunday 6/14/2009
Best week caching: 109 finds, from Monday 6/8/2009 to Sunday 6/14/2009
Most finds in a calendar month: 146, in Jun 2009
Most Cache Types in a day: 6 on 7/18/2009; 5 on 4/12/2009; 3 on 5/7/2009
Fastest 100 finds: 1 day on 6/13/2009
Last 100 finds: 50 days
Total cache-to-cache distance: 47305 km, Note: includes locationless caches.
1.18x Earth Circumnavigation,
0.123x Distance to the Moon
Maximum distance in a day: 300 km, on 6/13/2009 Note: includes locationless caches.
Nearest cache found: The Gulch Cache GCVQDB
Furthest cache found: 6334.09 km, Liptov Skanzen v Pribyline GC1FX4F
Most Northerly cache found: N 55° 57.000, Four Windows GCF55A
Most Southerly cache found: N 24° 33.312, First and Last Cache on US 1 GCT4DM
Most Easterly cache found: E 19° 48.466, Liptov Skanzen v Pribyline GC1FX4F
Most Westerly cache found: W 81° 48.412, A Great Mom GCAA24
Cache centroid: N 45° 16.423 W 67° 31.368 Map
Youngest cache found: 8/2/2009, Red Four GC1WN69
Oldest cache found: 3/11/2002, Dude..Where is my stash? GC416A
Caches found which are now archived: 43 (7.03 %)
Most FTFs in a day: 74 on 6/13/2009; 5 on 8/2/2009; 4 on 6/14/2009
Most FTFs in a calendar month: 79, in Jun 2009
Log Length, words: Average: 12, Longest: GC1J5KG 172, Shortest: GC1BY6Q 1

Cano has 104 FTFs (17.0 %) - Average Distance 42.5 km, Average Interval 2.8 days

CountDateIntervalCodeCache Name
110/9/2008GC1GMXAMath is Ubiquitous
104/15/2009188 daysGC1Q3AMsnopster
206/13/200959 daysGC1TK0P9 little Piggy's.
306/13/20090 daysGC1TJYNA run for Karen
406/13/20090 daysGC1TMAENative Mainer Tribute
506/13/20090 daysGC1TMB5Dubord207 Tribute
606/13/20090 daysGC1TMBWTeam2Hunt Tribute
706/13/20090 daysGC1TMEAEMSDanel Tribute
806/13/20090 daysGC1TMDGMustangkay Tribute
906/13/20090 daysGC1TME1Loonsway Tribute
956/14/20091 dayGC1TMD5Ahbah Tribute
966/14/20090 daysGC1TMD0Beach Comber Tribute
977/2/200918 daysGC1VATYFBRI #1
987/4/20092 daysGC1V4XZYoung Bea's Cache at Gilman Falls
997/18/200914 daysGC1VWN8Maine's Adventure Challenge
1008/2/200915 daysGC1WN69Red Four
1018/2/20090 daysGC1WJ5JElemental Cache 1 - Electricity
1028/2/20090 daysGC1WJ61Elemental Cache 3 - Wood
1038/2/20090 daysGC1WJ7KElemental Cache 4 - Rock
1048/2/20090 daysGC1WJ7PElemental Final

Finds by Weekday

  Number Percent  
Monday203.27 %20
Tuesday254.09 %25
Wednesday182.94 %18
Thursday193.10 %19
Friday284.58 %28
Saturday32653.3 %326
Sunday17528.6 %175

Finds by Container

  Number Percent  
Micro26343.0 %263
Regular14924.3 %149
Small13021.2 %130
Not chosen426.87 %42
Virtual121.96 %12
Other111.80 %11
Large40.65 %4

Finds by Year Cache Placed

  Number Percent  
2002132.12 %13
2003162.61 %16
2004182.94 %18
2005193.10 %19
20067011.4 %70
200710417.0 %104
200819231.4 %192
200917929.2 %179

Finds by Type

  Number Percent  
Traditional54689.3 %546
Earth213.43 %21
Event121.96 %12
Virtual121.96 %12
Mystery101.63 %10
Multi50.81 %5
Letterbox30.49 %3
CITO10.16 %1
Webcam10.16 %1

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My geovehicle at cemetery

Bangor City Forest

On Road

St. Andrew, Canada

somewhere in Canada

Lamoine, ME

Bangor, ME

Stats generated by FindStatGen3 V3.5.15 by rutson and lignumaqua, running onGSAK v7.6.0.51
Theme from pisgby Morten Brix Pedersen
Statistics generated in 14 seconds.

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